Get the world-famous Hagen’s Fishing Tackle Catalog

Buying wholesale tackle components and fishing gear has never been easier! Shop online, or, you can request a FREE physical catalog featuring our top-of-the-line spinner blades, bait bodies, wire former, tackle components, bobbers, fly tying materials, and so much more at your fingertips. We still have our fishing components catalog and order form available for you to view and download online:

  1. You can use our online catalog viewer and virtually flip through each and every page. It’s almost feels like you have the actual catalog sitting right in front of you!
  2. You can download a fresh Order From.
  3. And you can also download the entire catalog to your desktop and flip through the catalog page-by-page.

Whichever way you choose to view our catalog, any of the links on this page will get you exactly where you want to be.

Please keep in mind — while all links open new tabs on your browser — when you click the button to download the catalog below, this will start downloading a PDF file directly to your computer. Please be patient. This file is rather large and may take a while to download.

Get a fresh Catalog mailed to you

Request a physical copy of our catalog mailed to you by filling out the form below.